We help you to implement your vision pragmatically and sensibly.
In favor of a fast and cost-efficient time-to-market, we rely on our pragmatic and methodical “Start-up in a Box®” approach and on the principle of “Use over Buy over Build”.
The competence to develop successful digital solutions is crucial for success. However, many companies do not have them in-house. That’s why we’ve developed a unique approach that bundles the necessary expertise and makes us your perfect digitization partner. Our way of working is practice-oriented. For example, we do not build CMS, CRM, ERP, or e-commerce platforms from scratch, but rely on open source frameworks (Use) or existing software solutions (Buy). Since we care about usability for your customers, this is where our own developments in particular come into play (Build). You can read about concrete application examples in our Engineering Blog.
To help your company succeed, we use our proven digital solutions where appropriate. For example, our specially developed AI platform “AI in a Box®“. Instead of starting from scratch, you benefit from already developed solutions, which we adapt to your needs. This way you save a lot of money and valuable time. DIGITAL PRODUCT STRATEGY First-class digital experiences are a real competitive advantage. But they do not arise by chance. It all starts with a solid product strategy, with a focused vision and reliable prioritization. Together, we develop new ideas and user-centric strategies for digital products. Or – if ideas are already there – we help your company to validate and develop them further.
We create objectivity and use user research to find out together what the real needs of your customers are, instead of making assumptions. We not only systematically test your product in terms of user-friendliness and market acceptance, but also check the organizational and technical feasibility, as well as the financial chances of success.
For a fast time-to-market we work in interdisciplinary teams. Our design process is focused on the needs of the user. Our developers focus on providing your company with a future-proof and low-maintenance solution. Together, we create high-quality user experiences that give your company a competitive edge.