Leitwert offers market-leading firmware for wearables, enabling device manufacturers to efficiently manage their device fleet with our IoT applications and providing a platform for integrating health data from wearables into clinical processes and digital health solutions.
Healthcare Providers unique IoT Challenges require a platform strategy – Leitwert Deivce Hub is the wearable device interoperability platform for healthcare providers and clinical research
The Leitwert Device Hub is an open, vendor-independent “IT backbone” to integrate medical wearables into clinical workflows and clinical IT systems.
Portable thermometers, mobile ECG devices, multi-sensor wristbands or smart patches; the number of available medical wearables is already large and growing. The Device Hub enables the integration of these wearables via a harmonised interface and provides the functionality to effectively manage them throughout their lifecycle. Based on this, the Device Hub automates the collection of vital signs with different devices and monitors data quality and availability in real time.
The collected data enables deeper insights into the health status of your patients in real time and regardless of their location. The collected data enables deeper insights into the health status of your patients in real time and regardless of their location.
Thanks to the modular architecture of the Device Hub, new applications can be connected at any time or own applications can be developed, tested, validated and then rolled out. The Device Hub thus offers sustainable access to a constantly growing digital health solution ecosystem: the platform networks data producers (wearables) with data consumers (clinical IT systems, algorithms) and clearly prepares the relevant information for the users (medical staff and clinical researchers).BenefitsIncrease efficiency for caregivers and comfort for patients by replacing regular manual vital sign measurements and documentation at the bedside with an automated solution.