Technopark Zurich seeks candidates for ZKB Pioneer Award 2025

Zurich – The Technopark Zurich Foundation is looking for candidates for the ZKB Pioneer Award Technopark 2025. Founders of all companies founded after June 30, 2019 can apply with their technical projects until September 23, 2024.

Technopark Zurich is looking for candidates for the ZKB Pioneer Award Technopark 2025, according to a press release. The ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark has been awarded by Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) and Technopark Zurich to young deep tech companies since 2001. Founders of all such companies founded after June 30, 2019, can apply until September 23, 2024, according to the press release. Registration is possible online. Prizes are awarded to projects at the transition from innovative idea to market maturity. At this point, start-ups are usually still far from the profit zone in a phase in which financing is not easy, the report continues. The prize money of around CHF 100,000 for the winner and CHF 10,000 each for the runners-up is intended to help with financing. In addition, the rigorous selection process by a high-caliber jury lends credibility to the finalists' business models. Zurich-based deep tech start-up Decentriq has won the ZKB Pioneer Award Technopark 2024. It was recognized for its platform with technology for data protection and artificial intelligence. The award ceremony took place on May 7 at Technopark Zurich. ce/gba

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