Terra Drone conducts R&D for drones with Innovation Park Zurich

Dübendorf ZH/Tokyo – The Japanese company Terra Drone and Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich (SIP) will collaborate on drone-related research and development (R&D) in the future.
This is the first memorandum of understanding that SIP has signed with a non-Swiss company in this sector.

Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich in Dübendorf has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Tokyo-based Terra Drone Corporation. Together, the two companies intend to drive forward the research and development of drone technology. According to a statement from Terra Drone, this is the first MOU that Innovation Park Zurich has signed with a drone company based outside Switzerland. Terra Drone has more than 500 employees in eleven regions around the world and specializes in drones and urban air mobility (UAM). The global market research institute Drone Industry Insights once again ranked Terra Drone second in the Best Remote Sensing Service Provider category in 2023. To explain its motivation for signing an MOU with Innovation Park Zurich, the Japanese company refers to the fact that Switzerland is the world leader in innovation and has been ranked first in the Global Innovation Index for 13 consecutive years. The agreement also enables Terra Drone to collaborate with universities and start-ups within the SIP's extensive network. It also facilitates partnerships between universities, industry and public authorities and promotes joint projects and spin-offs, particularly in fields such as robotics and mobility. ce/mm

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